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Study smart... not hard!
We create content that makes studies EASY!
Watch our videos on YouTube PLAYLIST according to your Grade/Class.
No matter if you are at home, traveling or waiting at the station, airport or the dentist, plug in a earphone and start learning! Save your study time.
Teachers can save a lot of time & energy in teaching by showing the videos on the smartboard/screen in class. In 15 minutes the children will be able to learn 1 full lesson. In 1mth the WHOLE TEXT BOOK can be completed!
We at Enlight-CBSE bring to you the easy way to learn. Spending just 5 minutes with us online will teach you more than spending 1 hour by yourself.
If you are on data switch video resolution to 144kbps to save the cost of data usage. If you are using YouTube just for entertainment then you are misusing technology.
At least use 25% of Internet time for studies.
Technology is powerful; use it to your advantage. Make use of technology to learn faster and easier.
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